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Triblock L-50

Máquina Tribloco Semiautomática para Latas Modelo L-50

The smallest semiautomatic solution in the market.



L 650 x 1000 x 1100mm

Serve for

Beer, Cider, Spicy wines, Kombuchas

Maximum Output

Up to 3 cans per minute*

With it you do the washing, filling and reclaiming of the cans in the laminar flow packaging system. As an option also has a dispenser with UV lamps.

Number of rinsing dots: 01
Number of fill valves: 01
Number of tapers: 01

*Maximum production may vary depending on the product and filling conditions.
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Assista o equipamento em funcionamento

  • Filling machine with exclusive Laminar Flow System
  • ​Fills the beer directly from the fermenter tank;
  • Removes oxygen from the can through CO2 cleaning;
  • Filling speed regulation;
  • 01 laminar flow filling valve, made of AISI 304 stainless steel, engineering plastics and gaskets made of non-toxic material.
  • The laminar flow filling system does not require a reservoir tank for filling, providing significant CO2 savings and a lower risk of beer contamination;
  • CO2 purge before starting filling, with time and pressure programmed by the operator, so that there is no risk of beer oxidation;
  • Submerged filling, which provides a lower risk of DO incorporation into beer;
  • Completion of the filling process carried out by a digital level sensor, which guarantees that the entire can is at the same level;
  • Very low level of DO in the final product;
  • High production, almost 3X faster than the isobaric system, due to the laminar flow filling system.
  • 1 Seaming head with electropneumatic drive;
  • Crimping done in 2 stages with 2 crimping rollers;
  • Crimping rollers made of stainless steel with vacuum hardening and polishing of the crimping profiles;

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Custom projects?

Build your filling line project directly with us. Both for automatic filling of bottles and cans. We design projects according to the space and specific conditions, thus ensuring a better use of space and efficiency of the filling processes.